Atlas Yoga Studio & School

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While working from home has lost its original lustre, attending sessions from the #embodimentconference between yoga classes, business mentoring sessions with #laurier and #rhyzeventures was spectacular. It is by far one of the biggest, widest reaching conferences that I have ever attended. Getting to sit and listen to teachers I have admired and studied for generations is inspiring and a honour at the same time. I felt blessed to be able to sit in my sunroom and share space with those who have dedicated their lives to the study of embodied practices, philosophy, ethics, anatomy and so much more. Witnessing the work with @AlannisMorrissette, @MarkWalsh and others willing to put themselves out there for all of us to learn and grow.

The #embodimentconference is an outgrowing of what began for me as a child. I learned that music, movement and …. space could help me be with my world in a way that was less … fractured. I found my way to dance classes, aerobics classes, trained to teach movement and life led me along a path of healing the early wounds and developing tools to manage the traumas that have come and gone.

I have heard praise and I have heard criticism of the organizers of the conference. I say it is a hard job to be human and flawed. It is important for everyone to be aware of power dynamics in all relationships and maintain good space. There were awesome presenters, ordinary presenters and some who were really just not for me. Regardless of the flaws the conference brought us all together to learn, listen, move, discuss, explore, grow and bring back into our lives, families, communities a little bit more of what the world is doing about “being here now”. I am grateful, I am awake and present. I am ready to learn more. Currently reading “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk and “Premka: White Bird in a Golden Cage” by Pamela Dyson and have a long list of books to read, videos to watch and courses to take.

So much to unpack. I hope to see you in class in the coming weeks as we share the unpacking of depth work in movement and relaxation. We are sharing Integrative Breathwork live in studio at Sayza Hot Yoga and online for those who would like to practice with us. Saturday, November 7, 2020 at 1pm. The experiences of the conference have encouraged me to offer this work live online and continue to support our community with the tools of embodiment.

The conference is open and free again this weekend.

Here is a link to an important open letter to you, me, Mark Walsh the conference …

Thinking, moving, remembering to smile and let it go. What can I let go of and still be here now…..