
Wild Soulful Food - Spicy Cabbage Recipe


33 years a vegetarian and recently turned vegan...look out.  We are coming out with our sprializers blazing and we are not holding back any punches in this tell it like it is, face the truth and get the flip over our fears and human-up to the challenge of saving this beautiful planet of ours one meal at a time.

Return to your deepest knowing, instinctual self and make conscious choices about food.  We choose what we are made of every day in every bit and sip we put in our mouths.  Let's practice waking up and getting real together. Sanga creates the strength when we are weak, pulls us up when we fall and has our back when we feel alone.

One meal, one day, one week, one month, one year, one life matter what your commitment to change it WILL make a difference.

The first recipe that I want to share with you was inspired by my friend and colleague Adrienne McDonald from food2florish.  She said the words carrot hotdog and my mind went AWOL.  I searched for recipes and found a new world that would transform my experience of the traditional summer treat.  The soy based veggie hotdogs had never really thrilled me and were a poor substitute for the tasty treat of my pre-vegetarian childhood.

Spicy Cabbage

On my mind today, taste buds and food stories.  What was the worst thing that anyone ever sat you in front of and made you eat? Think about it ... take a minute ... and really think about it.  The first time, as an adult, that someone asked me this question my mind flashed back to a harrowing day spent in front of a cabbage role.  My mother, who was not the best cook I have ever know ( a kind way of saying that she could turn any vegetable into an undistinguishable mush), insisted that I eat the cabbage roll dinner she prepared.

Many hours later, I choked that thing down and threw up.  It would be may last cabbage roll for about 3 decades. Fast forward to Korean high school students living with us and my explorations in finding foods that matter to them and fit into our vegetarian lifestyle.  The Korean students kept asking for kimchi and I experimented with cabbage.  I don't think that I ever came close to making kimchi but I did find a couple of fantastic cabbage recipes that I still use to this day,  Tonight I made a dish I like to call Spicky Cabbage .

For the simplest version of this dish ....

  • 2 tbl spoons of good oil (I prefer sesame for this recipe)

  • 1/4 cup of vegetable broth or water

  • 1 head of cabbage

  • 1 Jar of your favourite salsa/hot sauce

In a large wok place the oil, broth and salsa, chop the Cabbage and put in the pot as well.  Cover and bring liquids to a boil, reduce the heat and keep the lid on until the cabbage is soften, Stir and cook to desired texture. I like my cabbage a little firmer.