Atlas Studio is a proud member of the Canadian Yoga Alliance.
Atlas Yoga School is a solidly grounded, transformational and logically structured yoga teacher training program. Our program trains teachers who have a love for yoga born out of practice and experience. Our goal is to skillfully encourage personal reflection regarding physical, mental and emotional aspects inherent in each pose, pranayama and meditation, helping students recognize that what is discovered on the mat can be used in everyday living. We offer a trauma sensitive approach to personal practice and train our teachers to bring that sensitivity into the class room and client relationships.
Our Director is compassionate and reassuring, asking teachers-in-training to play with the edges of their comfort zones so they can feel fully alive. Once they discover this aliveness, they in turn can share it with others.
Our program consists of 300+ hours of coursework and practicum, exceeding the yoga alliance standards. Upon completion of this program, you will be eligible for the RYT-500 designation from the Canadian Yoga Alliance. This program is for students that have already completed a 200-hour basic yoga teacher training with Atlas Yoga School or any other certified yoga school.
Within this program you will complete: 200+ hours of required core curriculum, and 100+ hours of specialized electives.
2 year Certification program (fast track now available as well as ILP)
This program requires the completion of the pre-requisite Atlas Studio 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program or equivalent (bridging program may be required) and will include an additional 300+hrs of contact time. At this time the Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training Course (100hrs) is included in the 500hr training.
Next Intake
Fall 2024 - November - Contact Denise for more details. [email protected]
$5,850.00 CAD (plus HST)
Scholarships, Apprenticeships and payment plans available. Atlas 200hr YTT’s get a substantial entrance scholarship.
If you purchase any courses that are electives or core courses in the 500hr program the tuition for those courses can be applied towards your 500hr tuition.
Intake is based on a personal interview and application process. Intake is ongoing and individual. (A limited number of apprenticeships available - contact for details) Modules are offered in a rotational basis. Not every elective is offered every year and occasionally we offer one of electives that are interesting and relevant.
The core course will be delivered by Denise Davis-Gains. Guest tutors may also contribute as appropriate.
The Atlas Yoga Teacher Training will be experiential, participative and will aim to deepen and enlarge the understanding of the ancient science of Yoga, and the personal development of Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists. If you intend to continue on to become a yoga therapist this your electives should be planned to reflect that.
To expand the students’ understanding of yoga as a holistic science of accessible, inclusive, trauma informed self-development
To awaken the sense of creativity, mindfulness and exploration in asana practice
To link outer with inner, so that the student understands the physical, etheric, mental and spiritual continuum of yoga
To deepen the understanding of the subtle anatomy system
To develop an understanding of a variety of yogic meditations, including mantra.
To deepen understanding of Yoga Nidra and relaxation techniques
To deepen the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and explore how these relate to physical and pranic yogic practices
To deepen the understanding of principal paths of yoga
To develop a specialization in an area of interest - Thesis
Specialization Options:
Samāsa Vinyasa Flow Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) Teacher Specialization
Reproductive Yoga: Fertility/Pre/Postnatal, Pelvic Health Specialization
Children's Yoga Specialization
Yoga Philosophy - Meditation and Mindfulness Specialization
Advanced Pranayama (required)
Therapeutic Applications of Yoga (required)
Samasa Anatomy for yoga & other healing modalities (required)
Samasa Yoga Nidra
Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher Training
Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Psychology and Trauma
Thai Yoga Massage Level I, II, III
Elder Education
The 500 Hour Master Yoga Teacher Training is open to those who have at least 2 years experience (there are some exceptions - when the goal of training is personal development or to become a yoga therapist) of practicing yoga and who have a valid teacher’s certificate. An interview may be required where further information or clarification is necessary.
To be discussed with each candidate. The program starts when the individual is ready and can be completed within two years. The program will require a total of 300 contact hours. There will be additional hours of homework, projects, group work and karma yoga.
The cost of the Diploma is $5,850.00 CAD (plus HST)
Includes: 180 hours of core programming, 2 years of unlimited studio class pass access, all specializations (100hrs) led by primary faculty. If the student chooses to work towards specific specialization there may be additional fees - to be identified and agreed upon in initial meeting before application approval.
At this time we are able to PLAR some credits from other programs. You will have to apply and submit your documents depending on what the courses are that you have done. The IAYT (International Association of Yoga Therapists) are looking at changing this so we will wait to hear what the final results of the most recent curriculum and standards review are before we confirm what can be counted in your certification process.
Payment plans are available if necessary
Please return completed application form and $100.00 to [email protected]
All information provided on this form is treated as confidential
Register by emailing [email protected] or calling 519.240.9642
Please note: payment is required on receipt of notification of acceptance to the program (refunds will not be issued once admitted to this program).
Asana analysis, technique and modification of problematic yoga asanas; working from base of asana, building on foundations to discover equilibrium between effort and letting go “wu-wei”
Symbolism and the secret language of asanas (asanas as “mudras” or attitudes of inner states)
“Seeking the stillness”- deepening the experience of the asanas
Asanas and the chakras - exploring the relationship between asanas and the chakras
Dealing with asana related injuries
‘Step by step’ – approach to teaching an asana in stages
Discovering the qualities you are looking for in life in your practice
Modification, Analysis of Postures, and explore the three main areas of blockage in Asana practice:
1. Lack of Understanding
2. Wrong action – resulting in tension
3. Compression of the joints
Swara yoga
Nadi shodanana - variations
Nadi shodanana - ida/pingal and sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
Savitri rhythms
Pranayama kriyas
Anuloma viloma
Pranayama mudras
Subtle Anatomy
An exploration of the history, philosophy, and primary use of the language and symbolism of nadir, chakras and the etheric body
Physical correlatives
Level of awareness
Elements (tattwa)
Primary textual references and sources of skepticism
Yogic methods of meditation, transcendental meditation, the history of meditation, creating and designing meditations and mindfulness practices for groups and individuals. Vispassana/insight Meditation, moving Meditations, Dharana on Akash, Ajapa Japa, Antar Mouna, Mantra Meditation, Mandala Meditation and more.
Energy awareness, working with energies
Optional Meditation and Mindfulness Certification
Yoga Paradigm of Consciousness
The structure of consciousness according to Yoga - cosmic mind, higher mind, ego, lower mind, subconscious and unconscious mind, patterns of consciousness.
Nād Yoga & MANTRA
The practice of Mantra Japa. The use of a Mala. Classical mantras - OM, Gyatri, healing mantras as required and mantras that specific to each students path, Maha Vaks ( great sayings that encapsulate the higher wisdom of Yoga)
Yoga Nidra - Restorative Yoga - Deep Relaxation
Yoga Nidra
Progressive relaxation
Relaxation in daily life-Wu-wei- the art of letting go
Marma points – use of marmas to induce a deep relaxed state
Restorative Yoga
The Shat Karmas
Cleansing practices of Yoga
Philosophy of Yoga
The principal margas (paths) of Yoga
Schools of Yoga
Streams of Eastern philosophy- Vedanta, Samkhya and Tantra.
Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and physiology of Pranayama (including the physiology of the nose (the function of nose not only as a vehicle of breath, but its unique connection through the sense of smell to deeper aspects of our being)
The endocrine system - its function, and links to the chakras
Nerve plexuses
Yoga Meditation and Yoga Nidra - effects on brain rhythms, relaxation reflected on the neuronal map
Meditation and the autonomic nervous system
Anatomy of the bandhas
Anatomy of an inversion
The brain and mudra
Facial trains
For those who wish to continue to the yoga therapy stream, a focus on the neurobiology of yoga is necessary
Life Stages Reproductive Heath: Fertility; Prenatal & Postnatal
Atlas Children’s Workshop
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Therapy (required foundation for 1000hr Yoga Therapist Designation)
Samāsa Vinyasa Flow Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga)
Kripalu Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini Yoga
Hands on teaching and research
Yoga Practice
The course will be wide-ranging and experiential, and will include a variety of asanas, pranayama, mudras, bandhas and other practices. It will provide a rich source of knowledge for yoga teachers and aspirants. The course is structured so that, following the principles of the Koshas, there is a continuum from physical to spiritual, from the annamaya kosha to the anandamaya kosha and beyond to the asmitamaya kosha.
This program is ultimately for the student’s self-development.
Course Texts
Most reading, viewing material will be included in the course packs. This is a short list of recommended reading and reference books that can support you in your studies. Depending on your areas of interest other text/readings/viewing may be required.
Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha, by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. - Prefer “Threads of Yoga” by Matthew Remski
The Upanishads
The Bhagavad Gita
Facial Trains
Green Yoga
Yoga Morality: Ancient Teachings at a Time of Global Crisis, by George Feuerstein
Your Instructor
Denise Davis-Gains has been teaching fitness and studying meditation since 1980, and has been teaching yoga since 1993. After completing her first yoga certification with Susie Dias in Toronto, Denise actively sought to find time with senior teachers of this ancient tradition. She holds two university degrees and continues to pursue higher education. Denise completed a course in Sanskrit with Jonathan Geen at McMaster University. She is trained in the Kripalu method of yoga, a very introspective style that incorporates vinyasa flow and postural analysis. She has been fortunate to be able to study with great yoga masters in the Ashtanga, Iyengar, Sivananda, Kundalini, Himalayan as well as other styles and schools and brings this variety of experience and style to this program.
Denise has been training yoga teachers since 1997. Denise taught Intro to Yoga, Group Exercise and Physical Fitness in the Kinesiology department of Wilfrid Laurier University for 16 years and is currently an Instructor at Conestoga College where she teaches physical education in the community Services sector of the Health Sciences Department. She has been a facilitator and Production & Staff manager in the Inner Quest Intensive, at the Kripalu Institute, Massachusetts (the Inner Quest Intensive in considered the most intensive and healing program that is run at this institution). Most recently, at Kripalu, Denise assisted in a program in support of Parkinson’s patients and their caregivers and a nutrition program.
Guest Instructors to be announced
“Yoga is the method or technique, the programme of psycho-physical, moral and spiritual training, by following which one can fulfil the ultimate destiny of life”