Prenatal Yoga

Why Prenatal Yoga?

Prenatal Yoga - Atlas Studio Cambridge

Prenatal Yoga - Atlas Studio Cambridge

Yoga is one the best ways to prepare for labor, delivery and motherhood in general.

The general benefits include, but are not limited to:

  1. Stress & Happiness

    • the practice of yoga reduces stress and clears the mind through stretching, breathing and meditating

  2. Flexibility & Strength

    • gentle stretching in your current range of motion and challenging muscles within the current level of strength helps to maintain physical fitness and encourages blood circulation for you and baby.

  3. Swelling, Inflammation, Immune System

    • flowing exercises that stimulate circulation and movement of the lymphatic system help to reduce swollen feet, ankles, hands and fingers and improves the strength of the immune system for you and baby.

  4. Labor

    • Yes, yoga can help to prepare you for labor.  Breathing exercises and tension
      releasing practices leave more oxygen for you and baby. Learn techniques to help move the
      baby down the birth canal and to manage the pain associated with childbirth.

  5. Back Pain

    • Reduce or avoid back pain through regular yoga practice and improve posture and the ability to carry the growing weight of your child.

If you have specific questions about your and your pregnancy or would prefer private yoga sessions contact Atlas Studio at 519.240.9642

5 Ways to Reduce Stress for Labor & Delivery

This is our five step list for what you can do when getting ready for labor and delivery, which should make the entire experience more enjoyable and less stressful.  🙂

Prenatal Yoga at Atlas Yoga Studio

Prenatal Yoga at Atlas Yoga Studio

  1. Make list of what to take to the hospital

    • Your birth plan, write it down

    • What your partner has to do when you go into labor

    • Phone list and when to call each friend and family member

  2. Get baby’s room ready

  3. Get bags ready for the hospital

  4. Plan time for rest, pampering and one-on-one time with your partner

  5. Hire a private yoga instructor for the last week before labor

    • Splurge and have a experienced yoga teacher come and guide you through deeply relaxing and preparatory postures, breathing exercises and mantras for easy labor and delivery

Diana - Goddess of Childbirth


Diana, the daughter of Jupiter is called the goddess of childbirth because her mother bore her painlessly.

She is usually depicted with bow and arrow that her father gave her as a young girl, symbolizing female strength and power.

To invoke the protecting power of Diana – or the aspect of the divine that will protect you through labour and delivery – on a moonlit night…

“Diana please help me shine brightly like you.  Assist me in releasing anxieties about the health and well-being of my child and myself.  Let me fully experience this gift without fear.  Take me to a higher place where I may best serve humanity as a shining example of one who listens to her inner wisdom, love and guidance.  Let this experience be full of life, love and light.  Thank you.”

Inspired by Doreen Virtue’s notes on Diana in her book, Archangels & Ascended Masters: A Guide to Working and Healing with Divinities and Deities.