
In the first days, weeks postpartum we could all use a little help. Remember it is ok to ask for help. Ask partners, family members and friends to help with food, shopping and conversation. If you belong to a church or community group often times they will organize to bring meals for the first few weeks after baby is born. If you have other children organize for them to visit friends and family and if necessary hire a babysitter to come and support you while you get to know your new little one. We are all different and our needs are different - find your voice, and speak up if you are feeling overwhelmed or in need of support. In this resource page we will list some family counsellors that you can access when you feel that you need to speak with an expert.

Postnatal yoga classes are recommended 6 weeks after baby as long as there are no lingering side effects. Usually, your primary health care provider will let you know when it is ok to return to exercise.

We have a pre/postnatal yoga group on Facebook where families share information and questions about pregnancy, postanatal recovery, baby-care, sleep, depression and other self-care issues.


While having a baby is a natural process it is one of life’s most physically, mentally and spiritually challenging times that we will ever go through. Remember, for some of us, it takes time to heal. It takes a conscious effort to heal and transition into motherhood, to become a family in a healthy, happy, spiritually satisfying community.
1st steps include rest, warm water, healing herbs and sacred medicines such as sage, cedar, lavender and other medicinals that can help with mood, pain and general comfort.


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