Private Labour and Delivery Workshop for Couples

Labout & Delivery love & support Vasanti_HR-33.jpg
Labout & Delivery love & support Vasanti_HR-33.jpg

Private Labour and Delivery Workshop for Couples


Join, Denise for this 3 hour private session for you and your love. Prepare together for one of the most amazing experiences that you will ever share. Get down to the nuts and bolts of what actually works and be as prepared as you can be to make this a natural, holistic family ritual. Learn techniques to manage pain, fear and anxiety and ways to use the breath to be present for each other as you grow your family. Check before booking for locations that are covered. [email protected]

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“Birth is one of the most profound teaching experiences life offers. It touches us in the depths of our souls, the most private recesses of who we are. It requires that we respond with more creative energy, more conviction, more trust, than almost anything else we do. Birth requires an intensity that is rarely demanded by other experiences…And through it, we can learn more about ourselves, our strengths, our weaknesses, our relationship patterns, and our needs than through almost any other experience we will face in our life.”
~Nancy Wainer Cohen (Via: Peaceful Birth Project)

  • Learn breathing and relaxation techniques to manage pain, fear and anxiety

  • Explore yoga poses and labor positions to ease pain and help labor progress

  • Practice partner poses to promote closeness and support during labor

  • Examine the stages of labor and the hormones of labor

  • Understand baby’s positioning and how it impacts delivery – learn how to use yoga poses to encourage optimal position

  • Gain more insight about the birthing process

  • Learn techniques to ease back labor

  • Discover ways for you and your partners to stay connected during labor and delivery

  • Much more!